Immunohematology Reagents.
For over 30 years, Immucor has been solely focused on meeting the critical needs of the blood bank laboratory. Our deep understanding of your laboratory's operations is just one of the reasons why our products are preferred globally. We recognize that a dependable supply of high quality reagents is vital to every lab's operation. From the routine ABO to the complex antibody investigation, we have the right reagent to fit your every need. Our consistent manufacturing cycles and flexible shipping schedules provide you a multitude of options for sourcing reagents when you need them most.
Immucor provides the most complete offering of traditional blood grouping and typing reagents. Manufactured by a company dedicated to transfusion diagnostics who understands that you need options, our traditional blood grouping and typing product line offers the following advantages:
Most Comprehensive Product Line: As the primary supplier for thousands of blood banks across the globe, we offer a complete product line of traditional antisera. From the routine ABO to a monoclonal Anti-P1 and rare lectins, we have the right reagent to fulfill your inventory needs.
Variable Package Sizes: We understand that not all laboratories manage the same workload. To make inventory management more efficient, we provide variable package configurations for many of our routine reagents to support laboratories of all sizes.
​*Please check with your Immucor Representative for regulatory status in your region.​​​
Anti-k Gamma-clone®
​0004817, ​1 x 5 mL
​​Anti-Fyb Gamma-clone®
​0004818​, 1 x 5 mL
​​Anti-Cw Gamma-clone®
​0004819, ​1 x 5 mL
For the blood bank, there is nothing more basic than a quality Anti-Human Globulin reagent. Immucor provides an extensive offering of AHG reagents from basic to complex with a choice of package sizes and clear or green reagent dye to improve process controls in your laboratory.
Assays may include antibody screening, antibody identification, Weak D testing, antiglobulin crossmatch and rare antigen typing.
​Anti-IgG, -C3d, Polyspecific, Monoclonal
​Clear 10-pack
​Green 3-pack
​Green 10-pack
​Anti-IgG, Monoclonal​
Clear 10-pack
​Green 3-pack
​Green 10-pack
​Anti-C3b, -C3d, Monoclonal​
5mL vial
As a leading supplier of immunohematology reagents, we realize that laboratories need options. Immucor provides a wide range of additives for enhancing antibody detection tests. Our complete product line includes:
Bovine Serum Albumin:
22% Bovine Albumin
Low-Ionic-Strength Solutions (LISS):
Gamma LO-ION™
Gamma N-HANCE®
Polyethylene Glycol:
Gamma PeG™
Immucor is committed to supporting your competency needs by providing a convenient and comprehensive line of test kits to educate or monitor the competency of technologists in your laboratory. With three kits to choose from, we offer samples and test cases that range in complexity to support technologists with varying levels of blood bank experience.
Gamma® Tech-Chek: BASIC. Demonstrates competency in forward and reverse ABO/Rh, antibody screen, and antibody identification.
Self Check II: INTERMEDIATE. Demonstrates competency in forward and reverse ABO/Rh, antibody screen, antibody identification, phenotyping, and crossmatch.
RiSE: ADVANCED. Demonstrates competency in forward and reverse ABO/Rh, antibody screen, antibody identification, phenotyping, crossmatch, and direct antiglobulin test (DAT).
A laboratory is driven by the quality of the test results it generates. Immucor provides an array of Quality Control reagents designed to meet stringent quality and compliance standards. Our complete product line includes:
​Daily quality control of routine reagents.(​Manual)
​​corQC® Standard Cell​
Daily quality control of routine reagents.(​Galileo®; NEO®; Manual)
​​corQC® Extend
​Daily quality control for those running Rh and Kell Phenotype.(​Galileo®; NEO®; Manual)
​Whole blood controls for automated instruments.(​Echo®)
​​Weak D Cells
Quality control of Anti-D reagents.​(Manual)
​​Complement Control Cells
Quality control of anti-C3 of Anti-Human Globulin.(​Manual)
​​DAT Positive Control Cell
Quality control of Anti-IgG Human Antiglobulin.​(Echo®; Galileo®; NEO®)
Immucor carries the largest list of products developed to make life simpler for the Reference Lab serologist and easier for the Transfusion Service technologist. Our portfolio of unique specialty reagents empowers any laboratory to test basic to complex antibody workups. These products help you provide the most compatible blood components, ensuring patient safety and improving patient outcomes.
Immucor provides your laboratory with the broadest range of specialty products for connecting donor to recipient:
Complement Control Cells : ​Confirmation of Anti-C3 activity
Gamma® ELU-KIT® II : ​Rapid acid elution of antibodies from intact red blood cells
W.A.R.M. : Warm Autoantibody Removal Medium
​​Gamma® EGA Kit: Removal of red cell bound immunoglobulin
​RESt® ​: Removal of cold autoagglutinins
​H.P.C.​: Removal of unwanted HLA-related antibodies
​Gamma®-Quin: ​Removal of red cell bound immunoglobulin
​Weak D Cells: ​Quality Control of Anti-D reagents
​Gamma® P1 Blood Group Substance: ​Neutralization of anti-P1
​Gamma® Lewis Blood Group Substance: ​​Neutralization of anti-Lea and anti-Leb
​Gamma® Zyme-B: ​Bromelin solution for one-stage test procedure
​Gamma® Zyme-F: ​Ficin solution used as a proteolytic enzyme in serological tests or to pretreat cells for adsorption
​Freeze Dried Papain: ​Used as a proteolytic enzyme in serological tests or to pretreat cells for adsorption
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Storage Solution​​: Isotonic cell suspending medium used to suspend and preserve red blood cells