Our home pregnancy test is calibrated against WHO standard 25mIU/mL hCG. The pregnancy cassette is the same style of test used in clinics.
- Ease of Use: Our home pregancy test are identical in format to the tests used at your doctor’s office. Simply dip the test strip in a collected urine sample, lay it flat, and your results will appear within just a few minutes. One line = negative, two lines = positive.
- Affordability: Our home pregancy test are designed for compulsive testers (a habit that can quickly break the bank with drugstore brand tests). Priced as low as $15 per test, you can feel free to POAS (pee on a stick) as often as you please!
- Accuracy: Our Pregnancy Test Strips are relied upon by countless clinics, laboratories, and universities around the world. With an accuracy rate above 99%, you can rest assured that your result reflects the true status of your hCG urine content.
For bulk purchases for your clinic or health organization, please use our contact page.