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Assay Menu / Please contact us directly if you do not find your assay


HCG Pregnancy Rapid Test

Chlamydia Trachomatis Rapid Test



Influenza A & B Rapid Test

RSV Rapid Test

Adeno Rapid Test

Strep A Rapid Test

Mycoplasma Rapid Test

G6PD POCT Biosensor Analyzer *

Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test

CRP+Hb 1-mins POCT Quantitate Test *

Strep A 4-mins POCT Quantitate Test *



PSA Quantitative Rapid Test

PSA 3-mins POCT Quantitative Test *

Testosterone 3-mins POCT Quantitative Test *


Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Human Specific FOB Rapid Test    

Hema-Screen® Occult Blood Rapid Test Card

H-Pylori AG Test

FIT (FOB) 2-mins POCT Quantitative Test *

Anti-H pylori Rapid Test

Rota-Adenovirus Combo Test

Anti-TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) Rapid Test



HBsAb Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

HBsAg Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Test

Multi 5 HBV rapid test kit (Hbsag, Hbeag, Anti-hbs, Anti-Hbe, Anti-Hbc)

ABO & RhD Blood Grouping Kit

Dengue Rapid Test (IgM/IgG, NS1&IgM/IgG, NS1)

Urine Strip - All parameters readable at 60s - (Glucose, blood, pH, protein, specific gravity, leukocytes, nitrite, creatinine, ketone, microalbumin, ascorbic acid, ca, bilirubin & urobilinogen)

Smoking (nicotine/cotinine) Rapid Test

ETG (Ethyl-Glucuronide) Card Rapid Test



Anti-HIV (1&2) Rapid Test Card (Oral Fluid)

Anti-HIV (1&2) Rapid Test Card (Whole Blood)

Anti-HCV Rapid Test Card

Chlamydia Trachomatis Antigen Rapid Test Card

Gonorrhea Antigen Rapid Test Card

Multi-Infectious Disease Test Card (HBsAg/HCV/HIV/TP)

Mycoplasma genitalium/Urogenital Mycoplasma Diagnosis

Rapid plasma reagin (RPR)

Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay



Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Latex Test Kit

Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Slide Test

C-Reactive Protein(CRP) Latex Test Kit

Antistreptolysin-O (ASO) Latex Test Kit



Drug of Abuse urine test - Multi5 (KET/COC/MET/THC/MOP)

Drug of Abuse urine test - Multi14(KET/COC/MET/THC/MOP/MTD/MDMA/BAR/BZO/TCA/AMP/OPI/PCP/PPX)

Drug of Abuse urine test - (BAR/PCP/PPX/TCA/MTD)

Drug of Abuse urine test - (KET,MET/MDMA,COC,MOP,THC)

Drug of Abuse urine test -(α-PVP,FYL,MDPV,K2,ZOL/ZOP,CFYL,TML,EDDP,OXY,LSD,ACE)


*Requires one off purchase of POCT analyser, free trial upon request




Rapid Immunochromatographic tests. Brand

used by WHO, HA & DH.

can't find assay your lab need sometimes? POTUS offer the most comprehensive menu.


More whole blood test possible in non-clinical settings

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